According to businesses that offer fishing rod repair services, the number one cause of fishing rod breakage is ignorance and a lack of understanding of basic fishing safety tips. Most fishing rods are made from carbon fiber, fiberglass or graphite and are actually strong enough to reel in a big fish. Good maintenance will lengthen the lifespan of your fishing rod, keep the fishing rod’s performance at an optimal level and ensure that the line does not break mid-fight. Here are some useful tips on how to not break the best telescopic fishing rod.
Do not cast heavy lures:
Each manufacturer indicates the recommended lure weights their rod is capable of casting. There is a very high possibility of breaking your fishing rod if you go beyond the lure weights. It is also important to note that the tips on ultralight fishing roads are not designed to handle very heavy lures, you should always stick to what the manufacturer recommended.
Keep the rod in its tube:
The most unlikely place for a fishing rod to break is its tube, it is specifically designed to keep it protected. Keep the rod in its tube until you are ready to put a string on it and go fishing. A lot of people end up breaking the tip of the fishing rod while trying to fit it into their car when it is not in its tube.
Ferrules should be checked on a regular basis:
Frequent casting will make your ferrules loosen up slightly. As the ferrules get lose, this place more stress on the fishing rod and it could easily break during the fish fighting. While in the water you will want to periodically check the fit of the ferrules to ensure that they are tight and won’t crack.
Avoid “High Stick” fish:
Most anglers will rear-back on a fishing rod as they are trying to real in a fish that is just next to the boat. This places massive pressure on the rod tip, which is one of the most fragile parts of the fishing rod. If this is not checked, the fishing rod could break. It is advisable to use a fishing net when bringing in a fish that is just below the boat.
Avoid overpowering the hookset:
During the excitement of fighting a fish, you may probably make some abrupt and sharp hooksets. These hooksets will apply a lot of stress on your fishing rod and will probably snap into two. To avoid this mishap, use a sweeping motion to set the hook into the fish’s mouth.
Be careful and vigilant in your boat:
Since a boat is innately unstable, people tend to stumble and fall in them. If your fishing rod is unprotected, someone would easily land on it and break it. If the rod is leaning off the stern or on the gunwales, ensure that the tip does not get caught up in some overhanging branches of trees as you go downstream.
Avoid banging the fishing road on hard surfaces.
Since most thin fishing rods are very fragile, simple nicks bends, and cracks could easily lead to breakage. You should completely avoid banging your rod on, rocks, tables, car doors or even the boat itself.
Avoid placing the rod lying flat on the ground:
A rod that is lying on the ground is in most cases difficult to spot, especially for someone who is wearing sunglasses. You can easily step on it accidentally and break it if not careful.
In conclusion, you should always be attentive and more vigilant if you want to avoid breaking your fishing rod. Most cases of fishing rods occur where if an angler might have been just a bit more careful, disaster might have been averted. If you always keep an eye out for your fishing rod’s tip and ensure you always store it in the right manner, you will greatly reduce the chances of breaking it accidentally. Another thing you should always keep in mind is to use the fishing rod for its intended purpose, stick to what the manufacturer of the fishing rod recommends.