Tention Free : Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education etc.?
I grew up in Bremerton Washington and am the product of a divorced home. I hold a degree in Finance from the University of Washington and work as a remodeling contractor in my day job.
Tention Free : Let’s talk about your music passion, you got first guitar from your father, so you got this passion from your father ?
Absolutely. He was the one of the best men in my life and knew I loved music. He knew I would love playing the guitar.
Tention Free : Who are your musical inspirations?
I love anything with a guitar. I grew up listening to Elvis as well as Pink Floyd. James Taylor, Jimi Hendrix for the old timers. John Mayer and Jason Mraz for the new ones.
Tention Free : What motivates you to do your best work as a Singer/Songwriter?
Writing from the heart. Hearing stories of others trials and Tribulations. It’s pretty easy to write when you try to connect with an audience and what they’ve been through.
Tention Free : Please tell us about your new release ?
Wavelength was an album born out of the desire to have a short list of songs that I think everyone could enjoy.
Tention Free : Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to be a professional musician ?
Just do it… Seriously… There isn’t much more than that.
Tention Free : Tell us about your Naval career?
It was short lived and relatively uneventful. Most Veterans can relate to the fact that you spend a lot of time doing nothing.
Tention Free : What are your future plans ? Your vision for the coming years.
Private Jets and champagne hot tubs.
Tention Free : If you could perform anywhere, in the world, where would it have to be?
Gorge Amphitheater here in Washington.
Tention Free : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?
What is free time? Who has any of that these days? (I’m a bit of a gamer)
Tention Free : Are you active on social media? what’s the best way to follow you ?
Facebook is where you can find me. PhillipBroussard86.