Tention Free : Your new book is not an ordinary book, but the guide to changing the world. Please tell us more
The book provides a brief summary of the Alternative Hegemony Model: The “invisible hand” of nurture for the better (AH Model). I do not know if it can change the world, but maybe it’s a little helpful and inspiring.
Tention Free : Could you explain more please?:
The AH Model is an evolution of the current international political and economic system. It further develops the system, maintains existing structures and redirects negative dynamics.
The AH Model nurtures states and companies towards beneficial behaviour. This behaviour is rewarded and negative deviations are penalised. These incentives make positive behaviour both profitable and sustainable.
In doing so, the AH Model makes use of the same forces that are dominant in a capitalist system. However, it leads them in a new direction: the invisible hand of the market becomes the invisible hand of nurture.
Tention Free : Sounds very exciting. Why do you think it can work?
It can work because it does not need zero to do it. It transforms the existing system. It uses the forces of capitalism and directs them in a direction that makes the good profitable. Greed makes the world better and does not destroy it anymore.
Tention Free : What would you need to implement the AH model tomorrow?
The Alternative Hegemony model has been designed for many decades. Unfortunately, it will take a long time for all dictatorships to disappear and for all nations and companies to work together for a better planet. I will be an old man or just a memory. But we have to start today. Now.
Tention Free : So it takes its time?
Yes, it has to grow. Spread and blossom at some point. For this we need the enthusiasm of many people for a better world and above all the belief in a great future – even if there were many setbacks.
But which is better? Constantly fighting for the existing or even your own survival? That never ends. Or for the better?
Tention Free : We been hearing a lot about the AH Model. But what about you?, We notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?
I do not consider myself as interesting or important. But I hope to have given a suggestion that, even if it does not find favor, can guide others to better thoughts.
Tention Free : To develop something like that is not a normal hobby. How did you figure this out?
I think I just have strange hobbies. That’s probably it. I’ve always been very interested in optimizing processes, and the AH model is ultimately just a process, albeit a global one.
Tention Free : How can people find you and follow you online?
The Erich von Werner Society can be found at www.understandandchange.com . There you will also learn everything about the AH model. This can also be found in many scientific networks. If you really want to look for me then this can be done at www.andreasherteux.com.