Tention Free : Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education etc. ??
I’m a rapper, dj, and irl streamer from Kentucky. I’m currently attending college working on my degree.
Tention Free : We been hearing a lot about you, so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?
It feels great for real! Its a blessing, I came a long way from begging people to check me out.
Tention Free : Please tell us more about your latest release “Overwhelming (Remix)” ?
Well it wasn’t nothing special. I was just turning up with a couple homies one day and one of them played the original song by matt ox. I fell in love with the beat and knew I had to jump on it. So the next day we got in the studio and did our thing.
Tention Free : What motivates you to do your best work as a talented musician?
I think my motivation is knowing I could really make this into a career and I could have all my people living right the rest of their lifes.
Tention Free : Who are your musical inspirations?
I’ve always been inspired by lil wayne. He got my started with this music, well him and soulja boy did. Here recently Nav and eminem has been a huge inspiration in my music.
Tention Free : Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to be a professional musician ?
Be patient, be humble, & be you. If you have a dream to be a professional musician then go do it, don’t let no one tell you what you can’t do.
Tention Free : What are your future plans ? Your vision for the coming years.
That’s a good question! As of right now I’m just going going along for the ride feel me? I would like to be in a position where I can make music my full time job. As of right now I’m getting paid pretty well from it but not as much as I would need to make it a full time thing. So honestly if I’m Not making enough to make this a full time job when I’m out of college then I’ll probably calm down with the music. I still might do it here and there but I won’t go as hard with it.
Tention Free : If you could perform anywhere, in the world, where would it have to be?
I know this is going to sound weird but I love performing in frat party’s. I know a lot people wouldn’t agree but it’s just something about the environment I love. Not to mention you can get drunk after you perform and there’s always beautiful women at them party’s.
Tention Free : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?
I usually don’t have much free time with school, work, & music but I normally just go out to a party or a club. Sometimes I might just stay in and drink with a couple of the guys.
Tention Free : Are you active on social media? what’s the best way to follow you ?
You can follow me on all my social media @DaNoLimitSavage and that’s for Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, & SoundCloud.