Blood pressure is a medical term for a disease that is the very common problem in the human body. Blood pressure is the pressure that the blood pushes the arteries wall. It works with, every heartbeat. Blood pumps out and goes through the arteries and the body. Normal blood pressure is 120/80, here the top one is systolic and the bottom one is diastolic. The systolic pressure means the pressure of the arteries when the blood pumps and push the wall. The diastolic pressure is the arteries pressure when the heart is at rest. All of these can be known by a device named sphygmomanometer. You have to know best sphygmomanometer how to use.
A sphygmomanometer is a measurement device of blood pressure. This device comes with an air-filled rubber cuff. This cuff stays wrapped in the arm. With the device, you can measure the cuffs pressure. There are bulb and valve in the device. The bulb and valve in the device. The bulb fills the cuff and the valve allows the pressure to go away.
To hear the blood flow sound in the arterial use a stethoscope. You will find the systolic pressure when the cuff is air filled and when the valve is unfastened then the pressure goes away. While the pressure is releasing the blood starts to flow and the flow makes the audible and turmoil sound.
Types of sphygmomanometer:
You will get these types of sphygmomanometer.
- A digital sphygmomanometer is an automatic machine.
In this machine, you will not need to hear a sound or using the cuff. The reading will come out automatically. But one drawback of this device is it is not accurate.
- Manual sphygmomanometers come in two types-one is aneroid and the other one is mercury device. Both are same but the aneroid device works with cyclical calibration.
How to use a sphygmomanometer
- When you are starting to measure blood pressure, you have to use a fit size cuff. The length has to be coverable of an upper arm.
- You have to wrap the cuff on the upper arm and keep little space between the upper arm and antecubital fossa.
- Now place the stethoscopes bell just below the cuff’s edge on the brachial arterial.
- Fill the cuff with air. By pressing rapidly.
- After reaching to 180 mm Hg then release the air from the cuff.
- Listen to heart the beat sound with a stethoscope and observe the mercury dial. First knock sound is systolic pressure and the sound disappearing point is diastolic pressure.
- Do not place the cuff on any clothing.
- The arm should be flexible and supportive.
Learn the meaning of the reading:
After you have put down the reading, it is important to know the what the numbers really mean. Check out the meanings:
- If the systolic pressure is less than 120 and the diastolic pressure is less than 80 than it is normal pressure.
- If the systolic pressure comes between 120 to 139 and the diastolic pressure is not more than 80 than you have prehypertension.
- If the top number is 140- 159 and the bottom number is 90-99 then you have hypertension stage 1.
- If the systolic pressure is more than 160 and diastolic pressure is 100 up than you have hypertension stage 2.
When you will know you are in danger:
- If you see your blood pressure has come low than you don’t need to worry. It is acceptable until 85/55. But you have to make sure you are feeling good.
- When you have the symptoms of cold skin, focus trouble, fainting, dizziness nausea, dehydration, blurred vision than the man you are not good. Your pressure is in danger low. It may cause a dangerous effect on your body.
Sometimes the reading might not come correct. So don’t get panic after getting unusual reading. Like you may see:
- After exercise, drinking coffee, eating salt, smoking or high stress, if you measure your blood pressure, you will see the highest number on the machine.
- If the pressure cuff is very tight or loose if it is fit or loses than the number read will not come accurate.
But if your blood pressure stays constant in 140/90 or more than you have to see your doctor. Your doctor will give diet plan, exercise and you have to follow it to stay healthy. You may need medicine to control your blood pressure. High blood pressure calls diabetes and heart problem. So you have to be careful when you have high pressure. When you find the read is 180/110 than recheck it again. If the reading comes again then go to the emergency and take the advice of your doctor.
Blood pressure is a dangerous thing if it is uncontrollable. It depends on the heartbeat and blood flow. If there is any problem in them than your blood pressure will go high or low. Both are not good for your health. To know your blood pressure is ok or not then you have to depend on sphygmomanometer. This machine will give you the read about your blood pressure. So you have to know sphygmomanometer how to use. It is important to know the use of this machine in every family because the blood pressure has no timing when it will go high or low. if it happens then you will not get time to go to a doctor and you will face a great loss in the family. So, learn the usage of the sphygmomanometer and stay safe.