Life insurance is a good way to assure the financial protection of your family, should something happen to you. However if you are one of those smokers who are easy targets of mortality, prepare to be charged more. Take notice that insurance providers put infrequent smokers and heavy smokers having the same problem. So long as you do the puffing deed, you’re in for a costly insurance journey.
If you have enjoyed cigarette smoking regardless of how small the quantity, you’re an identified smoker. People who chew tobacco or use nicotine patches still fall under the category. Basically, just one single puff in a 12-month period will cost you more, for your insurance rates.
If you drop lots of money by just buying cigars, how much more if you suffer the effects they can offer? Besides the health threats, you will have to bear the brunt of higher life insurance rates, in comparison to non-smokers. But there may be ways to reduce the life insurance budget. Tention Free provides you some tips to finding affordable quotes.
Break the habit – It is indeed a tall order, however that’s what it takes to lower life insurance quotes. If you’re able to muster the perseverance to give up smoking for12 months, you’ll be able to come under the non-smoker category and for that reason, you’ll pay less. The life insurance quote of a non-smoker is actually not up to what smokers pay. There simply is no other way to avail of life insurance at a cheaper premium.
Avoid Applying Right after Quitting – If you have been smoke-free for three years now, by then the insurance company will not identify you as a financial liability anymore. You can now join in on the regular life insurance policy. We’re considering a 5-year healing period of the lung tissue seriously affected by smoking. So for your physical and financial interests, it is with great reassurance that you enroll for a regular policy by then. Most insurance firms believe in the “once a smoker always a smoker” saying, and you have the chance to change that.
Look Around For Life Insurance Quotes – Die-hard smokers who choose to keep smoking have zero other recourse but to consider shopping around for cheap life insurance for smokers. You can go to trusted insurance agencies in your area and compare quotes. There are also a lot of options on the net, you should be careful with all hoaxes you might get across. Some firms allow individuals to compute their personalized quotes online.
Smoking can adversely affect you and your families. While it may be hard to quit, all your family members and their quality of life will benefit greatly from your willpower to carry such out. But when all efforts are to no avail, it is then to better invest in a life insurance plan that will take care of you in less costly ways possible.
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