Tention Free: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education, singing & modeling passion etc. ??
I am a Swiss Dominican bor. In Switzerland raised in several countries. I started singing at a young age and playing the violin. I started modeling at 27 years old I felt passionate by it and I had fun doing it.
Tention Free: We been hearing a lot about you so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel?
It feels very good to be honest. its a blessing to be honest and more so when you are doing the thing you love.
Tention Free: Great, what motivates you to do your best work as a singer?
I think I can always be better, there is always room for improvement , so that’s why I work hard and never atop learning. I wanna be the best I can be.
Tention Free: Can you please tell us more about your Single “Fashion”,?
I love that song, its so catchy and it really feels like me. I remember when I recorded it and I had so much fun doing it.
Tention Free: As a model, What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far ?
I think just the whole journey from where it all began to now. a peak moment was definitely my presentation at the miss Dominican republic pageant.
Tention Free: Nice, Any upcoming project?
Yesss I am working on a new single in English it will be released soon so that’s very exciting plus I am also working on my upcoming album for 2020.
Tention Free: Awesome, Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?
I love to sleep, I try to get as much sleep as I can when I have time off
Tention Free: Any regret of your life?
No not at all.
Tention Free: Your favorite model?
Naomi campell
Tention Free: How can people find you and follow you online?
You can find me in Instagram @patriziayanguela you can find my music on YouTube patriziayanguelavevo and on Spotify patrizia yanguela
Facebook: facebook.com/patriziayanguela
IG: instagram.com/patriziayanguela
Twitter: twitter.com/patriziayangue
Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCdU8z50ecfL678pCACpGo9g
Spotify: spotify.com/artist/3via7G7OTYJOIwE0Wg3FNi
itunes: itunes.apple.com/au/artist/patrizia-yanguela/1443247587