Tention Free : Please introduce yourself to the readers and Who or what inspired you to get into this profession?
I was inspired by vintage screen printed shirts from the late 80s and early 90s, that were apart of Detroit culture. From championship sports team tees,to the famous Belle isle Grand Prix shirts, I wanted to create something now that had that same creative design and image to it.
Tention Free : We been hearing a lot about your Fight Dirty Ink, so we notice your starting to gain a lot of attention how does it feel ?
Hard work pays off, you have to do everything in you’re wheel house to keep momentum and stay relevant. No matter how big or small something positive is staying in the right direction is key.
Tention Free : Please tell us more about your brand Fight Dirty Ink ?
We started in 2010 and progressively built a brand with many different logos and apparel options. People seemed to be brought in by the different items we offer as well as the many hand drawn designs.
Tention Free : What motivates you to do your best work as a clothing Designer ?
To be better than the other brands, to be the top dog consistently.
Tention Free : Any new designs do you have coming up ?
Yes we have new designs coming out in the next few days and weeks to prepare for our first ever fashion showing in downtown Detroit, Michigan.
Tention Free : Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to be a professional clothing Designer ?
When first starting out all I heard was can not and will not, I highly disagree with almost everyone in this industry. Be the few that do things how they feel should be done and build from there.
Tention Free : What are your future plans ? Your vision for the coming years.
World wide, to not restrict myself to just USA sales and state sales. Lets see how far we can really take it.
Tention Free : What has been one of the most exciting achievements of your career so far ?
We have sponsored some great musicians and athletes over the years,met great people, and designed released over 50 logos!
Tention Free : Everybody needs time out. What do you do in your free time?
I ride power sports, enjoy car shows, and being outside.
Tention Free : Are you active on social media? what ís the best way to follow you ?
FightDirtyInk is our instagram something for everyone to check out as well as promotion for all our new products.